The Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission is the federally designated Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Greater Philadelphia region, established by an Interstate Compact between the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the State of New Jersey. Members include Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Philadelphia counties, plus the City of Chester, in Pennsylvania; and Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, and Mercer counties, plus the cities of Camden and Trenton, in New Jersey.
DVRPC serves strictly as an advisory agency. Any planning or design concepts as prepared by DVRPC are conceptual and may require engineering design and feasibility analysis. Actual authority for carrying out any planning proposals rest solely with the governing bodies of the states, local governments or authorities that have the primary responsibility to own, manage or maintain any transportation facility.
DVRPC’s vision for the Greater Philadelphia Region is a prosperous, innovative, equitable, resilient, and sustainable region that increases mobility choices by investing in a safe and modern transportation system; that protects and preserves our natural resources while creating healthy communities; and that fosters greater opportunities for all.
DVRPC’s mission is to achieve this vision by convening the widest array of partners to inform and facilitate data-driven decision-making. We are engaged across the region, and strive to be leaders and innovators, exploring new ideas and creating best practices.
Serving the Greater Philadelphia region for more than 50 years, DVRPC convenes the widest array of partners across a nine-county, two state region to increase mobility choices, protect and preserve natural resources, and create healthy communities that foster greater opportunities for all. City, county and state representatives work together to address key issues, including transportation, land use, environmental protection, economic development, and equity.
DVRPC was formed by an Interstate Compact through legislation passed by the Pennsylvania Legislature in 1965, as reenacted and amended in 1967, and by the New Jersey Legislature in a series of conforming acts passed between 1966 and 1974, which vests DVRPC with sovereign immunity. DVRPC has prepared a summary, Key Provisions of the Delaware Valley Urban Area Compact [0.1 MB pdf]. A copy of the Pennsylvania legislation, Act 43 of 1967 [3.0 MB pdf], is also provided. More information about the composition of DVRPC's Board, rules and procedures for holding meetings, and other governance matters can be found in DVRPC's Bylaws, last amended in April 2017.
DVRPC provides services to member governments and others through planning analysis, data collection, and mapping services. Aerial photographs, maps and a variety of publications are available to the public and private sector.
Federal Certification of DVRPC Planning Process
Every four years the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) conduct a review of DVRPC's transportation planning process to determine if the process meets the Federal planning requirements. The most recent review was conducted in October 2022, and the final report was issued in February 2023. The review concluded that the planning process conducted by DVRPC for our region complies with the spirit and intent of Federal metropolitan transportation planning laws and regulations.
Federal Certification Letter
Federal Certification Final Report
Who We Are
DVRPC serves as the regional planning agency for the nine-county, bi-state, Greater Philadelphia area, providing guidance and assistance to build a sustainable and livable region.
Planning Work Program
The Fiscal Year Planning Work Program incorporates the planning programs and activities of DVRPC and its member governments.
DVRPC keeps media apprised of our ongoing efforts to improve mobility, the environment and quality of life in Greater Philadelphia.
Jobs at DVRPC
Fulltime, part-time and internship opportunities are posted on a continual basis.
Information on DVRPC's Public Records Policy, Website Accessibility Policy, Digital Data Disclaimer, and Title VI Statement.